Janax Pacha - Tierra Del Cielo (Revisions) 2020
#Folctronic #Tropical #Oriental #Slow #Spiritual #Medicine
In alignment with the super powerful full moon in sagittarius we are excited to release this deep shamanic medicine journey of remixes for Janax Pacha's Tierra del Cielo EP and we invite you to embark on a magical journey to re-connect with your roots and the essence of nature within yourself. In those powerful times of transformation we are being called to realign and reconfigure and adjust our ways of being and living into a more balanced, loving and harmonious way. Indigenous people can teach us a lot in this regard and they got all their knowledge and wisdom mainly from listening to nature and surrendering into the guidance and flow of mother earth and following her intelligence. We invite you to open your heart and to listen not just to the music but also to the vibrations that are imprinted into those sonic medicinal gems. There are light code activations and ancient future wisdom templates to be discovered by those who want to dig deeper✨
„Janax Pacha“ means „The Land of Heaven“ in the indigenous andean Quechua language and can be translated into spanish as „Tierra del Cielo“ a strong and beautiful vision that entitles this EP.
Argentinian producer and artist Gabriel Epstein got introduced to this expression and it's meaning during a shamanic vision quest journey. His heart and soul deeply resonated with the teachings and insights he received. Enchanted by this magical and profound experience he decided to name the channel for his artistic expressions the same: JANAX PACHA.
For his debut EP he drew the inspiration from the garden of eden made up of banana plants, exotic flowers and avacado trees surrounding him in his home studio in Buenos Aires. Living in the chaotic urban jungle he found strenght, balance and peace through consciously connecting with the
nature outside himself. An increasing desire to honor and nurture the natural elements within and outside of himself lead to the creation of his first EP.
Janax Pacha is a multi-instrumentalist and most known for his shamanic live looping performances where he bridges traditional indigenous instruments and techniques like shamanic chants, flutes, kalimbas and percussion instruments with modern electronic elements to take the listener on a deep transformative spiritual journey to connect and dance with the great mystery. Some of his instruments are self-build like his bamboo flutes. To honor and give thanks to this extraordinary
plant he created the track „Bamboo“.
„Rainbow Child“ is the capturing of a magical encounter with one of his shamanic spiritual teachers and „Canoa“ tells the story of a vision Gabriel received during his first ayahuasca ceremony where he got in touch with the language of the trees while floating down the mystical amazon river in a canoe.
The original EP was released on the brazilian music label „Casa Caos“ in the summer of 2019 but it was very clear for Gabriel that he would love to invite some of his close producer friends to rework his original material to create their unique revisions and remix his tracks. The result is a shamanic
trip back to the roots.
The dreamlike journey begins with Cyma's smooth and magical reinterpreation of “Bamboo”.
Arriving at a small village after entering the forest we encounter a friendly tribe of indigenous natives who are welcoming us. They say that this trip is an initiation on our journey back to the roots. Beautiful and soft hangdrum melodies are contrasted by deep tribal chants and playful organic percussions. We are invited to join their celebration to give thanks to Pacha Mama and the elements for nurturing us and supporting all life on this planet. Filled with gratitude and delicious fruits we are ready to continue our journey.
As we dive into J.Pool's rework for “Canoa” we groove deeper into the jungle and meet mysterious creatures and and powerful shamans that invite us to awaken our True raw nature through the power of hypnotic trance dance rituals. We dance to tribal percussions and a powerful bassdrum completmented by an earthy bassline which guides us to ground our energy and root our feet deep into the earth.
To finish this powerful ritual we have Tempura's dubby and spacious perspective on “Rainbow Child”. We gather around the sacred fire where a shaman tells the prophecy of the “Rainbow Children. Legend says that a new humanity will be ushered in by the tribe of the Rainbow Warriors,
old souls who have incarneted all over on this planet to help shifting the consciousness and anchoring divine light codes into the earth's energetic grid to activate a new higher dimensional template reality. The shaman hands us a wooden cup with a bittersweet tasting brew cooked out of a
special selection of plants that grow in the jungle. It will help us remember and see things from a higher perspective the shaman promises.
And as Gingai's remix for “Bamboo” starts to sound we feel a strange sensation in our bodies, a slight nausea overcomes us along with a sense of strong vibrations. Our whole body seems to vibrate and we hear a loud humming noise which gets more intense with every breath we take. All
of a sudden reality as we know it starts to dissapear. A big flash of light is followed by a sense of deep peace and tranquility. It feels like we got pulled out of our bodies and have embark on a psychedelic journey into the universe that takes us through experiences some people would call past and future lifetimes. It feels like time and space are just an illusion. We experience everything at the same time. In fact we don't experience time at all. Instead we can see and feel “us” having many different experiences at once, like looking at diffrent screens and each one shows a diffrent person in a diffrent world. And somehow it feels like we are all those persons experiencing all those lifes right now in the same moment. In some of these realities we are women, in others we are men, some of them are on earth taking place in what we believed to be the past and others seem to happen in a futuristic version of earth. Others look like they are on entirely diffrent planets.
As Nu Moksa introduces us to his version of “Bamboo” we feel like the screens start to dim and we re-enter our physical bodies, the ones we are familiar with in this life time. As we open our eyes we can see myriads of light connecting everything with each other like a field of intelligent awareness, geometric patterns are dancing all around us. It's like the light and the patterns are speaking to us.
While our mind has difficulties making sense out of all this our heart understands loud and clear.
The trees are whispering, the plants start to sing and nature feels as awake and alive as never before.
The moment we open our hearts fully we get flooded with sensations of love and great joy. Tears of gratitude for being alive and on this beautiful planet run down our cheeks.
We feel the urge to get up and run into the jungle as Steffen Ki's ambient revision starts to echo from the distance. Our senses are greatly hightened. We can hear every single sound with high precision. The cacophany of the jungle sounds like the most beautiful orchestra we have ever heard.
Each creature contributing with it's unique sound to this masterful synfonia. We start to sniff all those colorful flowers and get lost in the abundance of all those enchanting scents. Like someone who is drunk we tumble blissfully through the jungle inhaling each moment. Each breath feels like the universe is expanding and contracting within us. Waves of gratitude are followed by showers of amazement about the fact the we and ALL this exist. The feeling is so strong that it's almost frightening us but then just in the right moment a lush rain starts to come down from the sky, supporting us with refreshing clear water. We enjoy this shower for a while and slowly feel like things are getting back to what we used to call normal. Soaked completely wet and still not sure what just happened we decide to back to the fire place to warm us up and dry our clothes. As we
arrive the shaman looks at us with a smile that says “Welcome Home”
Sololá, Guatemala ///
NUMA represents a music label and collecitve of artists that aims to spread love, ancient future wisdom and healing energies ♥
released June 5, 2020
![Janax Pacha - Tierra Del Cielo (Revisions) [2020]](https://sun9-18.userapi.com/impg/c858328/v858328892/21dd33/1rHMedsUCsk.jpg?size=1280x1280&quality=96&sign=4904631227b1c66312dd0e41a0b4693b&c_uniq_tag=0E6VwvdACTfDTR1wlTBHrXQfgQ5TQNP5QmZ1o40VapE&type=album)